I get scared not to believe in God, then sometimes I am not scared.
Sometimes I do believe, sometimes I dont.
I want to believe, as someone else said in this post "becacuse we feel protected and safe".
Want to believe so I can hope that my life will run smoothly (for a change), also it gets very tirying to do, say, feel, the wrong thing.
Want to believe because of creation (of babies) that is a wonder, because of the happiness and joy one can get from saying to yourself "I have the Holy Spirit" but then again, do I. as well as the above. Also it feels good that there is a Higher Power that should make you feel that he is looking out for you and their is a PLAN for you. That is what I have learned just recently (but don't know how true that is) but want to believe that one is specail in God's eyes and yes he did choose me to follow him.
But on the other hand don't want to believe in God so that I can carry on thinking and doing waht I WANT without feeling bad. (these days do not feel gulity, like I was being a JW) just sometimes feels bad that I am not really following God.
Sorry worked late tonight and got carried away with the above, sort of went off thread. Just all quite in this place.